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Safety Tips
Have your driver’s license out, proof of insurance and registration ready for the officer.
- If you are authorized to Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW), immediately inform the officer of the weapon’s location. Under state law, you are required to provide this information. Do not attempt to retrieve the weapon.
Politely respond NO sir or NO Ma’am.
- If an officer advises you that you were pulled over for speeding, never acknowledge the speed you think you were going. The best response is that you were focused on keeping your eyes on the road. Do not say anything after, REMAIN SILENT.
You are not required by law to answer those questions. Politely respond to the officer, I am exercising my right to remain silent under the 5th amendment of the constitution.
You should follow the officer’s command and step out of the car.
- The officer may ask you why you do not want to talk to law enforcement or if you had problems in the past with the law enforcement officers. You should REMAIN SILENT.
If you do not have anything illegal in your vehicle, you should respectfully respond by saying NO. If you have anything illegal, it is best to be honest.
Do Not Consent to any searches
- A search without a warrant is illegal. Politely advise the officer that you do not consent to any searches. Officers may call the K-9 unit and threaten arrest if he finds anything. You can politely respond to the officer that you do not consent to any searches and REMAIN SILENT.
You should invoke your right to REMAIN SILENT
- If you had one drink of alcohol, it will give the officer probable cause to suspect you of DUI.
You should politely refuse all field sobriety tests.
- If an officer presses you to do the test, politely advise the officer that you will not partake in any field sobriety test. Refusal of field sobriety tests is not unlawful, and it cannot be held against you in a court of law. Please be advised if the officer believes you are under the influence, you will be arrested.
Politely refuse the breath test.
- A roadside breath test is not admissible in court. DO NOT take this test. Please be advised that if the officer believes you are under the influence, you will be arrested. If you are arrested, you must submit to a breathalyzer test at the police station or a blood test. A refusal can result in automatic loss of license for a minimum period of six (6) months to a year.
Politely request the name and badge number of the officer. File a complaint with the police department’s internal affairs unit.
Things To Know About Our IMAWARE
The IMAWARE Application (App) is a tool to assist law enforcement and civilians during their interactions. We provide a de-escalation process to ensure the civilian is knowledgeable and comfortable while engaging with Law enforcement. This benefits both Law Enforcement and Civilians as it allows for an anxiety-free encounter.
The App allows the user to utilize the existing features of their smartphone in a consolidated manner while incorporating a human interaction within one of its subscription services. That human interaction provides the user with reassurance and calming voice while interacting with Law Enforcement. That voice will remind them that they are not alone, of the tutorials related to what to do when in the presence of Law Enforcement, or reassure them that they also have a responsibility to be civil during the interaction.
Today’s smartphone devices have GPS abilities, and our APP utilizes this feature only when the user activates the “Local Record or the Call Center” features. This GPS information is shared only with the selected point of contact that the user registered during the registration process. We do not collect personal information on our users track their locations or their online interactions. We provide standard practices for our user profile data to protect PII. Our payment processing is serviced through a trusted merchant organization implementing PCI standards for our customers’ payment options.
We understand the need for Law Enforcement within the community. This community service is necessary and required to ensure safety for all. Our App’s goal is to reestablish the trust and bridge the gap between Law Enforcement and the community it serves. Law Enforcements knowledge that civilians are educated on what is required by them during interactions can ease the anxiety felt during a routine stop. We must remember that “Law Enforcement Officers” are human and have emotions just like anyone else. I’m Aware considers that by providing knowledge and assurance for both sides of the encounter. Civilians know that they are not alone, and Law Enforcement understands that the “I’MAWARE” civilian will be calmer, rational, and prepared to comply with Lawful orders.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Public Safety
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Public Safety
- 2 min ago
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Public Safety
- 2 min ago
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
The IMAWARE mobile application is designed to promote public safety. The voice-activated application connects civilian end-users with a Safety Consultant to guide them and deescalate the law enforcement interaction.
Anyone with a mobile device can download and install the IMAWARE mobile application. The application is built to operate with Android and Apple (IOS) platforms.
The IMAWARE mobile application is available for free in the Google Play Store and the Apple Store
IMAWARE is available to the end-user through four types of plans: Basic, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Key features of the IMAWARE app are voice activation, video, emergency contact and Safety Consultant connectivity to support all end users.
Yes, the IMAWARE app requires internet connectivity to be operational and functional.
The IMAWARE mobile app provides the following benefits.
- Call Center Support from a live Safety Consultant
- Emergency contact notification of the incident location
- Video archive in Cloud storage
- Used to support transparency between interaction with law enforcement officials
- A tool used to deescalate situations and get civilians home safely.
The IMAWARE Version 1 mobile application was developed to support public use. Our Development Team is consistently improving the application features to benefit system users. Application updates are incorporated into the software life cycle for compliance and enhancement of features to support its functionality.
We do not publicly detail all our security precautions to ensure a secure service. However, we can provide an overview of some of the steps we take to protect your data:
- Only authorized end-user access
- Application data is stored in a secure Cloud environment.
- Application and Cloud services are monitored 24/7/365
- Cloud servers are regularly updated to run the latest software and patches, and a firewall protects back-end servers
The Basic Service Plan subscription is free.
The IMAWARE service plans include a basic plan for- free, a Silver plan for $2.99, a Gold plan for $3.99 and a Platinum plan for $6.99.
If the user of a basic plan wants to upgrade to a silver or gold plan, the end-user can upgrade to the higher service level subscription fee.
There will be limited-time promotions, military discounts, and family plans.
The minimal subscription fee covers the operation and services. However, the investment is for you as a civilian to become well informed of your rights and responsibilities, reducing the need for a law enforcement force and giving you peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
You should not need a contract to feel safe, but costs are associated with upholding the operation and providing the service.
No, we are not backed by the government.
The purpose of this service is to facilitate de-escalation of negatively charged interactions between law enforcement and civilian to decrease the need for force and potentially save the lives of both law enforcement and civilians.
We assess the lack/gap of :
- Public trust in law enforcement
- Knowledge of civilian rights in law enforcement interactions
- Transparency and data analysis of negatively charged civilian and law enforcement interactions
- Knowledge of law enforcement escalation factors and de-escalation tips and tools to decrease the need for force
The app will foster that critical gap of trust or at least an assurance that you have some recourse if you are alone or feel unsafe in a law enforcement interaction that has escalated negatively.
As an IMAWARE app user, you will be better informed and easily identified by Law Enforcement. You will have an unbiased individual you can reach out to with de-escalation techniques, a way to notify your loved ones and a way of recording the situation from your perspective.
They use one platform to reinforce and share knowledge and resources on civilian and law enforcement responsibility, safety, and de-escalation tips.
Our tool will create one platform for all parties to come together via safety tips, potential escalation factors, de-escalation tips, training material, etc.
It will essentially be used to detect, assess, deescalate, and record the incident, bringing the needed transparency to hold parties accountable and result in quantifiable change and reduce the need for force.
This platform will bring a better informed and more knowledgeable Civilian which will result in a smoother law enforcement interaction.
It provides a nonbiased individual that can be brought in to assess and assist/facilitate de-escalation of non-emergency negatively charged law enforcement interaction. It enables record-keeping that will ensure accountability of both parties.
In an escalated interaction, a record of the incident from the civilian perspective provides transparency. It could assist/facilitate or be used in court in case of law enforcement camera malfunction, which provides peace of mind and security for civilians and law enforcement.
You would use it for both proactive and reactive purposes. You can initiate the audio/video and call center agent when you feel the interaction intensifying or escalating to an unmanageable situation. It helps you become mindful of your responsibilities and rights in law enforcement interactions to minimize a negatively charged interaction.
The Call Center agents will have targeted questions to assess the situation and a script to follow to deescalate a negatively charged interaction to reduce the need for force. This will bring peace of mind and security for civilians and law enforcement.
Text message identifying GPS location would be essential during a negatively charged law enforcement interaction. These incidents could be in one or more of the categories below.
• In an unknown neighborhood or different state
• Driving alone, a woman, minor or have special needs (medical or otherwise)
• Severe weather conditions, or
• Traveling on the highway between states or counties.
When a routine civilian and law enforcement interaction has escalated/intensified due to a misunderstanding or other factors, user prompted audio/video recording would be initiated. The call center agent would assess the situation, ask targeted questions, and provide script language to de-escalate the interaction.
The call center would advise you to hang up and call 911.
The call center would advise you to hang up and call 911. If you have an emergency, please use the appropriate service to assist you. Any other conflicts such as domestic abuse or conflicts between civilians are not a part of our service.